The Beauty of Arabian Women

Arabian  woman famous for the natural beauty that has an exotic impression. They are able to maintain the natural beauty in the middle of a neighborhood around the hot and dry. What the hell is the secret to maintain their beauty? Check out some of the information.

Dressed Closed

Most women in Saudi using closed clothes to protect the body from the sun. In addition, they use a veil that has become one of the traditions and culture that flourished in the Arab centuries ago. These accessories help maintain the health of a woman's skin there, because it prevents the face from sun and dust that makes dull face.

Avoiding Out House at daylight
Arab women have the habit to stay at home when the sun is at peak heat. This keeps them from radiation that can damage health conditions and brightness of the skin.

Using Natural Ingredients
They have a 'recipe' beauty using natural materials. For example, argan oil is believed to have antioxidant properties to prevent premature aging of the skin. Meanwhile, they use olive oil to maintain the beauty and hair moisture.

Doing Care
Modern Arab woman diligently visited the spa and beauty salon for beauty care for body and skin. However, the traditional beauty secrets also not be forgotten, you know. There are several treatments that have become a 'recipe' for generations over the years. One way is to halawa, ie a method of hair removal that uses homemade natural wax. This method is also useful for cleaning the dead skin cells thoroughly. There are also hammams, a kind of traditional sauna bath has a holistic and spiritual effects on the body. Treatment of this form of body massage using special oils followed by a body of steam, then soak in warm water. This method aims to eliminate various toxins in the body, making the skin look bright and shining.

Conducting Patterns Healthy Diet
Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the things that concern the Arab woman. They usually choose the consumption of a balanced nutritious diet and avoid all kinds of processed products. Strict diet by eating vegetables and fruits every day is one that is often done. It aims to maintain a healthy body and skin to still look pretty attractive in the middle of a hot and dry climate

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8 Secret Japanese Women

If you think that Japanese women slim because dieting
desperately. Instead, they are just obsessed with food. The Japanese are even referred to as food utopia. Along the road or in a grocery store, a variety of food for sale. But if they are so happy to eat, how to stay slim, healthy, and long life? Apparently, the secret behind the kitchen Japanese women.

Secret 1:
Japanese daily menu consists of fish, soy, rice, vegetables, and fruit.
Classic home-style Japanese dish consisting of grilled fish, a bowl of rice, vegetables, a serving of miso soup, fruit slices as a cover, and a cup of hot green tea. Fish and soy consumption rate in Japan is very high. They also crazy about fresh vegetables. Their favorite was the broccoli, bean sprouts, cabbage, and highly nutritious seaweed.
Including rare meat consumed. And when used as a main dish, meat cut thin and served tipis- moderation. Because the Japanese dish is low in fat (especially saturated fat) and higher good fats, such as omega-3 fats from fish. They also rarely eat fast food. Milk, butter, cheese, and pasta sometimes served at home, but not abundant.

Secret 2:
Japanese women eat in small portions.
Since childhood, the Japanese people accustomed to eat in small portions. There is a proverb: 'Hara hachi bunme', which means 'eat up to 80% of full course.' They also eat slowly, not in a hurry, because every bite should be enjoyed. Each dish was served in a small dish or bowl. In addition to reducing the size of food portions, this way also beautify the look of the dish.

Secret 3:
Japanese food is very light.
Rather than frying or grilling food in the oven, Japanese women prefer steaming, stir frying, boiling, or baking in the pan bumpy. The advantage, of substances in foodstuffs is not damaged. Moreover, Japan is also famous for its raw foods, such as sashimi. In addition, Japanese food is not much use seasoning, cream, or sauces. 'Mission' major Japanese food is more emphasis on the natural beauty and color, as well as let the original flavor of food out. Instead of using animal fats, butter, or oil are 'heavy', Japanese women used to cook with a little canola oil or dashi (broth of fish and marine plants).

Secret 4:
Cooked Rice
The Japanese are also fans rice. However, the portions are not excessive. By eating rice, they can avoid eating too much bread.Long time ago  the Japanese are eating more healthy red rice because it is high in fiber. Over time, they switched to white rice. However, recent trends show Japanese women began to return to the red rice. In restaurants and grocery stores, red  rice more easily found.

Secret 5:
Japanese women is always  eat a healthy breakfast.
In Japan, the breakfast is the most important, even the portions are often greater than lunch or dinner. Every morning, thousands of Japanese women prepare breakfast for myself and family. Classic Japanese style breakfast consisting of green tea, a bowl of rice, miso soup with tofu and onions, seaweed (nori), and a little omelette or a piece of grilled fish. The breakfast menu could provide enough energy and nutrients are high. In addition, breakfast will prevent excessive for lunch.

Secret 6:
Japanese women happy snack ... but in a special way.
Although always eat healthy food, Japanese women was also like snacking. They Are
fond of chocolates, pastries, ice cream, rice crackers, and red bean cake. However, they do not snack constantly. In addition, the portions too small. Cakes in Japan mostly indeed small (3 square centimeters) and packed one-on-one. Japanese women used to eat one or two cakes only and keep the rest to be eaten later. In a department store in Tokyo even exist Bank Brown, who received a brown deposit, and store it in a certain temperature. Chocolate can be taken whenever you want.

Secret 7:
Japanese women have a 'special relationship' with food.
Japanese women are not happy dieting. Not because their daily food already healthy, but because they have their own point of view in terms of food. They do not associate food with fat or slim body problem. Japanese women have a 'healthy relationship' with food. They enjoy a variety of food and not dizzy limit what can be eaten and are not, or are fattening and not. Do not think the Japanese woman's body slim and healthy just because of genetic factors. Research Menzies School of Health Research in Australia proves that the Japanese people who apply the Western lifestyle, at-risk of heart disease and cancer.

Secret 8:
The Japanese are a lot of walking.
For the Japanese, have your own car it will drain the cost is very expensive. Therefore, they walk from the station to the train station, and at a fairly high speed. By doing so, they always burn maximum calories

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Lettuce is one of the commonly used types of vegetable salads processed materials. This material is crisp and refreshing when consumed. Apparently, there is a lot of content in these vegetables are good for improving your health, you know. Want to know what? Check out some of the information yuk!

Low Calorie. Lettuce is one of the types of vegetables that are rich in nutrients that the body needs. This material is low in calories so it is suitable to be consumed for you who are on a weight loss program. Incorporating these foods into the diet can be a source of nutrients that the body needs.

Fiber rich. Lettuce is rich in fiber which is very good for the digestive system that occur in the body. These substances can improve digestion, protect against colon and reduce digestive problems are common, such as constipation and flatulence. Fiber is also one of the sources of energy while dieting because it gives the effect of the stomach feel full longer.

Troubleshooting Insomnia. These vegetables are very good to deal with the problem of insomnia because it contains lectucarium. These substances can provide a calming effect on the body. If you are having trouble sleeping at night, try to eat these foods and note the changes. The material does not burden the digestion so that you will not be disturbed at night.

Overcome Anemia. Watercress contains zinc which is good to overcome the problem of anemia. Eat them in the daily diet either processed first and in the direct feeding can reduce the effects of fatigue and lethargy are common in patients with anemia.

Vitamin-rich content. This material is rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene which is good for the eyes and skin. In 100 grams of lettuce, the body will get more than 200% of the vitamins needed. In addition, this plant is also rich in vitamin C that can increase endurance.

Lettuce consumed suitable for you who undergo weight loss programs to meet their daily nutritional needs. Let's start a healthy diet with nutritious food!

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People think that Yogurt is one of healthy food alternatives that can support the diet program. These foods have a range of vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. However, why the weight to be increased since routinely consume huh? Maybe you make this mistake. Maybe...

One Select Product. One select yogurt products could be a  mistake that makes weight increases. Instead, choose the manifold plain or Greek yogurt is low in calories. The kind that has a variety of flavors it contains excessive levels of sugar that do not support your diet.

Consumption Too Much. Note servings when eating these foods. Although low in calories, but if the number of excessive intake, meaning the number of calories into the body is also high. Measure the dose of your daily consumption and limit their time eating, for example, only at breakfast only.

Too Much Topping. Select toppings that can support your diet. Fruit is a good choice, but too many kinds of fruit in a single presentation actually increase the levels of calories into the body. Give the ideal dose for each of servings consumed.

Too Focus On Calories. Read the label before buying is a great way to recognize the product to be purchased. However, it should not be too focused on the number of calories. Instead, pay attention to the content of protein and other substances the body needs to balance the nutrients during dieting.

Now you know what your mistake? enjoying your diet and good luck for your healthy diet.

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Healthy Diet Tips

If you want to have a slim body but still healthy you can use a way to lose weight naturally. On this occasion we will discuss some natural ways that can make your body slim but healthy. Ways that you can do the other
1. Increase regular exercise

with you always exercise regularly, will be effective to burn calories so the weight will be reduced little. Do your  exercise regularly but can reduce your weight by exercise can also improve the health of your body. Do at least 30 minutes each day. Many sports are good ways to reduce the weight carried them are running, sit-ups, push-ups, jumping rope, and so forth.
2.reduce fried

Eating fried foods can provide a lot of fat to be stored in the body, and cholesterol will be more and more, causing a buildup of fat in the body therefore fat body is bound to happen to you. Would be much better if you eat foods that are more nbanyak by means stew, steamed, grilled, etc. to avoid oil.
3.More frequent eating

Having said that it means not eating diet is a very big mistake. I will provide tips to lose weight that will not hurt you even give tips on healthy weight but you will also decrease. That is by way of example, eat more frequently in the day you eat 4 times but remember servings you consume little. This will help your metabolism so that it can help you to lose weight
4.Eat fibrous foods

In a healthy diet plan to lose weight is to eat a good fiber foods because it is very beneficial for the body and can help you in reducing your weight. Why is that? Because fiber foods can bind fat so fat that can be useful not get carried away when dirt discarded. Fiber foods can include vegetables, fruits, and you can also replace white rice into red rice. 

Welcome tries a healthy diet tips and learn to be patient in waiting for the results of your diet because of the different results obtained on each person, Good luck

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7 Reasons Teenager Should Not Be Dieting....

Have the ideal body is the desire of every woman. Teenagers at most on a diet, because at this age a process of puberty. t. But you know that teenager  if diet is not recommended. Why is that? Let's find out the reason.

1. Growth Period

The main reasons are not advocating the girls diet is because it is still in the process of growing. In this phase the body is in need of a lot of nutrition. While on a diet as well as eliminating the nutrients need your body. If this happens, it can have an impact on the slow process of growth and health of the body.

2. Causes of Osteoporosis

Guys you do not want to osteoporosis at a young age is not it? That is why the diet is not recommended in adolescence. When adolescence, the body needs a lot of calcium in order to make the bones stronger. The same diet with reduced rations calcium needed by the body, so it can result in bones become brittle. Brittle bone is then triggered osteoporosis.

3. Depressed

Usually young girls are afraid to get the nickname 'fat girl'. Because of this fear many people are finally decided to do a strict diet program. Whether consciously or not, go on a diet because of intimidation will create new problems. The problem was none other can make the condition of being depressed both psychologically and physically. This pressure will feared could bring negative effects in its infancy.

4. Creating a Negative Mindset

Obsessed to  have the ideal body shape creates a mindset that will have a negative impact. As for want to have a slim body shape then continuously  diet is one example of the wrong mindset. Doing the diet continuously hurt your body, because it did not get nutrition and adequate nutrition. Until it can lead to the emergence of various types of diseases. Is not beauty is not always judged by the physical right ?.

5. Make a Crisis of Confidence

Indirectly the process of the adolescent age diet can destroy confidence. This is because when guys are not on a diet, then in fact you are not confident in body you have. Though scientifically your body during adolescence is currently undergoing a process of growth. If  You think your body  have excessive weight, try to consult with a doctor.

6. Obsessed In Specific Food

Obsessed with certain foods and  only going to eat foods that support for the process of dieting alone. Meanwhile, during the growth of the body requires a lot of nutrients derived from various types of food. So, surely it is not good Friend guys. Although it is generally a lot of foods that support the process of diet is a healthy food. so just  try other foods fun and beneficial to health.

7. Can Damage Health
Health Sixth previous discussion points so has a close connection with the discussion on these seven points. Diet can be harmful to health if done to excess.teenager  was actually not recommended diet. Diet should only be done on the advice of a doctor. It is a form of anticipation that the growth process runs normally.

Ok guys now start to love your body and live a healthy lifestyle. Always be grateful for all that God has given.

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Some Mistake Of Diet Vegan

Vegetarian diet is one that is quite popular to this day. The technique is considered good for health because it restricts food only on the consumption of fruits and vegetables are good for health. However, if you want to diet successfully, please learn about the wrong vegetarian diet

Consumption of Processed Products Vegan. Foods containing labeled vegan certainly quite tempting, especially for the new you this diet. However, that does not mean you can eat to excess. Types of products such as veggie burgers, veggie cheese, veggie candy is actually the same as the processed material in general. This species is the proccess of food that have high sugar content, so it does not provide balanced nutrition while on the diet. Instead, choose healthy foods as snacks and main meals. Consumption homemade salad could be an option, because in terms of processing more natural. Additionally, you can choose your own compositions mixed salad ingredients to balance your daily nutritional needs.

Portion Eat. Always feel hungry while undergoing a vegetarian diet? Perhaps your food portions less. Vegetables and fruits are one of the types of foods low in calories, so you need to eat in large numbers to make you full longer. Balance also with the intake of other foods, such as grains or beans are rich in fiber which is good for keeping the stomach feel fuller.

Balance your nutrition. Vegetables and fruits is healthy, but do not forget to always balance your nutritionts. Note intake of protein and fat substitutes of this type of meat. You must have extensive knowledge about the nutritional content of vegetables are good for your daily nutritional balance. Do not just focus on one type of vegetable or fruit, but also other types of consumption that can help keep the intake nutrisimu.

A vegetarian diet is good for health, but not that a balanced nutritional intake. A vegetarian diet is one good method to lose weight even though at first you will really feel a hunger because accustomed to eating meat. Try this method with earnest and try to do sports in your spare time

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Diet Mistakes

Diet is the one of the things for  maintain weight balance, as well as your muscle growth for men or women. Make arrangements diet can indeed be a good alternative to health. However, make sure the proper diet because sometimes people make  wrongs diet  and disrupt the body's metabolism,

Avoid carbohydrates. Low-carbohydrate diet does give good results, but it does not mean you should avoid these substances at all, especially if you often do regular exercise. During exercise, the muscles need glycogen from carbohydrates stored in the body to produce energy.

Too Extreme Sports. The purpose of sports is to burn fat. However, if carried to extremes can be one of the things that actually inhibit the metabolism of the body. Exercise is too diforsir only Avoid carbohydrates.
Low-carbohydrate diet does give good results, but it does not mean you should avoid these substances at all, especially if you often do regular exercise. During exercise, the muscles need glycogen from carbohydrates stored in the body to produce energy. the body lose energy so that the result is not maximal. In addition, the sports movement that constantly performed only cause damage to the muscle.

Wrong Sport hours. Night is not the right time to do sports, because at this time the cells in the body need rest to regenerate. If you exercise at this time, cell regeneration will be inhibited so that your metabolism not run optimally.

ok, in the last  make sure control your diet with your private doctor. Stay healthy and keep spirit to run a healthy diet.

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